Friday, May 11, 2012

Anya Hindmarch Available/Unavailable Canvas Tote

In an ideal world, men would know exactly what women want. Just think, never again would you have to hint to your man that you would really like said handbag for your birthday. He would automatically know exactly which one you had been eye-balling for weeks, allowing him to totally surprise you! But what if men could read your mind in other ways? Like whether or not you are “available”? Well never fear all you single ladies out there because Anya Hindmarch has come out with a bag that will give men all the visual clues they need!Introducing the Anya Hindmarch Available/Unavailable Canvas Tote! Ta-da… instant psychic powers! But you have to be careful here because you don’t want to bestow these powers onto any old Joe walking down the street. See, this is how I think this should work. Carry the bag around with the “unavailable” side facing out. Then, when you see a cutie that you would like to strike up a conversation with, simply flip the bag around to the “available” side and give him a wink. With any luck, he will have just read your mind and will come over to say “hi”. And if he turns out to be a creep, simply flip the bag back to the “unavailable” side again. Haha! Okay, okay… seriously though, this actually is a cute tote bag. And who knows, maybe Mr. Right will see the humor in this playful bag as well.Find the Anya Hindmarch Available/Unavailable Canvas Tote at Net-A-Porter! It is currently available in Red and it retails for $230.Shop for it: Anya Hindmarch Boutique @ Net-a-Porter!The Chat: avail/unavail!

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